Privé : Transformation 🇬🇧
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How to choose a playlist?

1- For personal practice

You’ll find two categories of playlist: streaming playlists for your personal work and playlists for easy downloading. You can choose your playlist intuitively by name, or by chance from the list available this month.

Each playlist will bring different journeys and effects. What’s more, the same playlist can take you on different journeys each time you choose to lie down on it. Indeed, the layering of songs and sounds will always synchronize with your own brain states, offering different stimuli that dialogue with what’s in place. This resonance will offer you subjective journeys into the collective, and from there your own interactions with spirit will take place. You can experiment as many times as you like.

You’ll need to share your feedback in the WhatsApp group of your playlist listening process. It’s important that you listen to all the playlists and share your corresponding experiences in the group.

How to experience them? You can choose to lie down on your own or use them in any of your group journeys, whichever direction the energy is guiding you. – Find a comfortable, quiet space for your journey: some people like to lie on a yoga mat, others go well with the floor, on a mattress… whatever is comfortable for your body… remember that playlists last 1 to 1h30!

If your body ends up moving, or is already moving on its own, you may need space for it to circulate, so avoid being too close to furniture, very small rooms or dangerous places, such as near a balcony or anything that could put you in physical danger! You may also feel the need to scream or cry during the process, so being in a space that offers such freedom could help you ride out the waves!

– choose a time in which you know you’ll have at least 1h30 to devote to yourself and energy without outside interruptions; switch off your cell phone or any other device that might take you back into the 3D world in the middle of the session; – have a fully charged speaker ready… while we’re at it, we generally recommend speakers with a good range for bass sounds, as playlists are full of different effects and overlays.

Take your toilet break before the experience so that it isn’t interrupted and you don’t feel any discomfort during the session.

We also suggest that you lie down at times when your body isn’t too busy digesting large meals, so that it isn’t overwhelmed by the movements and you also feel the waves of the process comfortably. It’s important to stop eating at least 3 hours before the session.

– press play and enjoy! In the first few moments, try to concentrate on your breathing and heart rate, as this will help you connect with your body and reach the layers you’re meant to see. We recommend that you always observe the state you’re in: stream of thoughts, distraction, dissatisfaction, discomfort, sleep… it’s all part of the process and as much a message as anything else you might be feeling.

Continue to trust! – after the session, take your time to integrate things. Having a notebook to draw and write in, or practicing mindfulness activities, will help you see the deeper layers of this process. Some parts of the process take longer to fully embody… days, weeks, years may pass until the conditions are set and complete the loop

African Time


Falling Sky


See Sound


New Earths


End Is The Beginning 


2- For your sessions as facilitators (see Google Drive):

It is important that you use only my playlists: try with your friends, your family, small group to start with.

Good work

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