Legal information

This site is edited by :
Name or company name: Kundalini Activation by Antonella

SIRET N° : In progress
Address: Calle Punta Pinet 9, Cala de Bou 07829, IBIZA

Telephone: +34665383973
Email address : [email protected]

Editorial and Publishing Director

Accommodation is provided by :
The Constant Company, LLC,
319 Clematis Street Suite 900, West Palm Beach,
FL 33401, USA

Privacy Policy

Protection of privacy
The personal data you provide is necessary for the purpose of contacting you. They are intended for the advertiser (hereinafter “the Advertiser”) and its subcontractors. You have rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation, opposition, withdrawal of consent at any time and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, as well as to organize the fate of your data post-mortem. You can exercise these rights by post at the advertiser’s address, or by e-mail at the advertiser’s e-mail address. You may be asked to provide proof of identity. We keep your data during the period of contact and then for the duration of the legal statute of limitations for evidentiary purposes and management of disputes.
We reserve the right to change this page at any time. We therefore invite you to consult it regularly in order to be informed of its evolutions.
Last update date: December 1, 2022

1. Identity of the data controller
Personal data is collected by the advertiser, the site’s advertiser as identified in the legal notice.

2. Processing of your personal data
Our site does not request nominative registration from its visitors and does not proceed to any nominative registration for the simple consultation of its pages.
However, in some cases (contact form, sharing features and social modules, account creation, online payment …), you may be asked to leave personal data (names, phone numbers, postal addresses, email address …). The compulsory or optional nature of the data is indicated at the time of collection by an asterisk.
If necessary, the collection form may be accompanied by a checkbox allowing you to accept or refuse that your data be used for commercial purposes on behalf of third parties, and/or transferred to third parties.
We do not collect any sensitive data, i.e. data relating to your racial or ethnic origins, your political, philosophical or religious opinions or your trade union membership, or data relating to your health or sex life.
In addition, when you visit our website and use our services, we collect and process data relating to your browsing (including cookies and the pages you have visited), and your terminal (type of browser used, model and version of your operating system, screen resolution, presence of certain plug-ins, etc.). This data will be used on the one hand to adapt our content and services to your needs, and on the other hand to carry out statistics on the use of our services to make them more relevant.
With your consent, we will also perform an approximate geolocation of your home city based on your IP address.
Moreover, if you do not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone, you can register free of charge on a list of opposition to telephone canvassing (Bloctel) on the website It is specified that the registration on the aforementioned list is not opposable to the professional in case of pre-existing contractual relations.

We collect your data when:

  • You create and use a personal account,
  • You use our service (e.g. during an online transaction, when making an appointment…),
  • You use our contact form,
  • You browse our site and consult our products and services.

What is the purpose?
We use your personal data:

  • For a legitimate interest:
    • Allow you to use our services;
    • Contact you to answer your questions;
    • To allow us to establish anonymous statistics of counting and audience strictly necessary for the delivery of services;
    • Ensure site security;
  • For the execution of the contract :
    • To make you benefit from our products and services
  • For consent to :
    • To inform you about the services in which you have expressed an interest and which are offered on our Site;
    • To allow our partners to provide you with advertising offers outside of our site that are relevant to your interests;
    • Allow you to subscribe to a newsletter and send you information about our products and services;
  • For legal obligation:
    • To enable us to process requests to exercise rights;
    • To enable us to respond to official requests from public or judicial authorities empowered to do so

Cookies are small text files, stored on your browser when you visit our site, that will be used to recognize your terminal when you connect to our site or any of our services.
To manage your cookie choices click here.

  • Cookies strictly necessary for the use of the requested service:
    They allow the use of the main features of the site, such as access to your personal account, or to memorize the display preferences of your terminal (language, display settings) and to take them into account during your visits, according to the graphic charter and the display or reading software of your terminal. They also allow us to link the different pages consulted to ensure a smooth navigation.
  • Cookies for audience measurement and statistics
    They allow us to keep the site alive and to establish statistics and counts of attendance and use of its sections and content, to carry out studies to improve the content (measurement of the number of visits, pages viewed or the activity of visitors on the site and their frequency of return). They also allow us to analyze the navigation of Internet users in order to improve our service or to detect malfunctions.
  • Cookies for audience measurement and statistics exempt from consent
    We also deposit consent-exempt audience measurement cookies through our Google Analytics audience measurement tool. The data collected in this context does not allow us to track your navigation on other third-party sites.
    You can disable these consent-exempt cookies by checking the following box: (check box)
  • Cookies related to video playback
    To view videos, we offer a player on this site, the use of which involves the deposit of third-party cookies by our partners.

The recipients of the data are:

  • The Advertiser and its possible subcontractors,
  • Companies providing third-party modules implemented on this site (e.g. appointment scheduling, email alerts, video playback…),
  • The Advertiser for the realization of statistics of frequentation,
  • Your geolocation and navigation data may be transmitted to our partners subject to your agreement in order to display advertisements adapted to your interests and your movements. Any transmission of data to third-party companies is subject to your prior consent.

We offer certain features on this site that involve the transfer of data outside the European Union to the United States. This transfer is governed by standard contractual clauses signed with the companies concerned.

Shelf life
Your contact data is kept for the period of contact and for the time necessary for evidentiary and litigation purposes.
The data relating to orders and payments are kept for the period necessary for the execution of the transaction as well as for the period necessary for evidentiary purposes and management of disputes.
Your navigation data are kept for the time strictly necessary for the purpose of the processing in question, thus :
– The information collected through these cookies and other tracers with your consent are kept for a period not exceeding 14 months.
– information collected through cookies and other tracers for audience measurement and analytical purposes and considered essential to the operation of the service, they are kept for a period not exceeding 25 months.

Your rights
You have the right to access, rectify, delete, oppose or limit the processing of your data, and withdraw your consent.
Finally, you can give instructions regarding the use of your data after your death.
You may exercise these rights by contacting the Advertiser using the contact information indicated above or, failing that, in the legal notice.
You may be asked to provide proof of identity.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint against us with the supervisory authority.